Section 3 Thesis Timeline - Overview

Students who wish to pursue the thesis option are required to meet with Dr. Bedics at the end of every semester in order to review their progress according to the following timeline. Students who miss any of the following steps can be removed from the thesis option and will be required to complete the comprehensive exam in order to graduate.

Task Date Due Year Finished
1. Thesis Topic Approved October 1st First Year [_____]
2. Setup OSF October 1st First Year [_____]
3. Literature Review Draft Psych 564 December 15th First Year [_____]
4. Academic Good Standing December 15th First Year [_____]
5. Method Section Draft May 1st First Year [_____]
6. Literature Review Revision May 1st First Year [_____]
7. Academic Good Standing May 15th First Year [_____]
8. Committee Assignment June 30th Summer [__] Chair
[__] Reader
9. Academic Good Standing July 3rd Summer [_____]
10. Enroll in PSYC 565 August 1st Second Year [_____]
11. Complete Pre-Registration October 1st Second Year [_____]
12. Committee Approval of Proposal September 1st Second Year [_____]
13. IRB Submitted November 1st Second Year [_____]
14. Academic Good Standing December 15th Second Year [_____]
15. Enroll in PSYC 566 December 15th Second Year [_____]
16. Dr. Bedics approval of Final May 1st Second Year [_____]
17. Committee Approval of Final May 10th Second Year [__] Chair
[__] Reader
18. Final OSF Approval May 1st Second Year [_____]
19. Thesis Commons Summer (Required) Second Year [_____]
20. Thesis Binding Optional Second Year [_____]
21. GitHub Blog Optional Second Year [_____]
22. Shiny App Optional Second Year [_____]