Section 4 Format of Paper - Overview

The thesis paper is completed in a manner consistent with the Publication Manual of the APA (7th Edition). Note that certain sections do not follow APA instead and, instead, follow a style shown this manual.

Order in Paper Section Style
1 Title Page* CLU Style
2 Signature Page* CLU Style
3 Dedication* CLU Style
4 Acknowledgements* CLU Style
5 Table of Contents* CLU Style
6 Abstract APA Style 7th Ed.
7 Introduction APA Style 7th Ed.
8 Method APA Style 7th Ed.
9 Results APA Style 7th Ed.
10 Discussion APA Style 7th Ed.
11 References APA Style 7th Ed.
12 Tables APA Style 7th Ed.
13 Figures APA Style 7th Ed.
14 Appendices APA Style 7th Ed.