Section 5 Rubric for Written Thesis

Abstract Outstanding (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1)
(90% and Above) (80-89%) (Below 80%)
APA Style Follows APA Style (7th) perfectly 1-2 APA Style errors More than three style errors
Content Abstract follows APA Style (7th) perfectly Abstract has 1-2 APA Style errors Abstract has more than three style errors
Keywords Abstract includes appropriate keywords Keywords are incomplete Keywords are missing
Introduction Outstanding (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1)
(90% and Above) (80-89%) (Below 80%)
Problem Statement The problem being addressed through the paper is clearly stated by the end of the first paragraph Problem statement is provided by is not clearly stated The problem statement is either absent or included in another area of the introduction where it does not fit
Theoretical Review The student clearly identifies a relevant theory(-ies) and provides a thorough historical review of the theory and its development A theory(-ies) are identified by a comprehensive review is not provided Theory(-ies) are not clearly identified
Organization The literature review presents a logical, structured and integrated critical analysis of other studies. Appropriate subheadings are used in APA Style The literature review presents an adequate critical analysis of other studies that is presented logically. The literature review is disjointed, does not flow logically and does not present a critical analysis of other studies.
Cultural Context The student is attentive to the cultural context of the theory including its application. The student are also attentive to the culture and historical context of the researchers espousing the theory. The cultural context of the theory is acknowledged There is not recognition of the cultural relevance of theory or it is reviewed superficially
Hypotheses Format Hypotheses are listed at the end of the introduction and are made in declarative statements making a specific prediction Hypotheses are declarative predictions with acceptable clarity Hypotheses are not declarative predictions and/or are not clearly stated
Hypothesis Validity The hypothesis(-es) made are clearly supported by the literature review Hypotheses are adequately supported by the literature review Hypotheses are not clearly supported by the literature review
APA Style Follows APA Style (7th) perfectly 1-2 APA Style errors More than three style errors
Turn-it-In: Plagiarism and Paraphrasing Student exhibited exceptional ability to paraphrase, include citations, and had a Turn-It-In score that was within expectations Student’s ability to paraphrase was adequate with no concerns related to plagiarism including a Turn-It-In score within expectations Student demonstrated difficulty paraphrasing and copied material directly from other sources
Method Outstanding (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1)
(90% and Above) (80-89%) (Below 80%)
Participants Sampling procedures are clearly described Sampling procedures are adequately described Sampling procedures are not clearly described.
IRB Approval Students required to complete the IRB for the study did so and mentioned in clealry in the method IRB approval is mentioned The IRB was not mentioned although required for this study
Instrumentation Information regarding instruments utilized in the study is provided including psychometric properties and evidence of cultural validity. Information regarding instruments utilized in the study is provided including psychometric properties and evidence of cultural validity. Information regarding instruments utilized in the study is missing.
Research Design The research design is described in detail. The research design is presented adequately. The research design in inadequately described.
Data Analysis Section: Hypotheses A data analytic plan is mentioned for each hypothesis and thoroughly addressed A data analytic plan for each hypothesis is provided The data analytic plan is inadequate and not organized
Data Analysis Section: Assumptions Statistical assumptions necessary for the valid interpretation of each statistical test are provided Statistical assumptions are mentioned with sufficient detail There was either no mention of statistical assumptions or they were not clearly organized.
Data Analysis: Power Analysis and Stopping Rule A power analysis and stopping rule are clearly stated Power analysis and stopping rule for data collection are adequately described No mention of power analysis or a stopping rule are described
Data Analysis: Software Statistical software and relevant packages are mentioned and cited and integrated into analysis plan Software is mentioned and cited Software was not mentioned or cited
Data Analysis: Meta-Analysis only PRISM guidelines are referenced and thoughtfully addressed PRISM guidelines are cited There is no mention of PRISM or appropriate guidelines for meta-analysis
OSF Material An OSF link to material is provided in the method and the link had the correct material An OSF link is provided No link to OSF materials is provided
Preregistration A preregistration was completed, cited, and was comprehensive A preregistration was completed A preregistration was not completed
APA Style Follows APA Style (7th) perfectly 1-2 APA Style errors More than three style errors
Results Outstanding (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1)
(90% and Above) (80-89%) (Below 80%)
Organization The results were clearly organized by hypotheses Results included all hypotheses Results were disorganized or inadequately addressed hypotheses
Assumptions Statistical assumptions were addressed for each hypothesis Assumptions were adequately reviewed Statistical assumptions were not mentioned
Effect Sizes Effect sizes were presented and interpreted beyond arbitrary categorization Effect sizes were reviewed Effect sizes were not reviewed
Figure Figures effectively capture data and/or included some measurement of variance Figures were included and effective No data visualization was provided
Table Table was included for necessary information and was informative A table was provided to support paper If needed, table was not included
APA Style Follows APA Style (7th) perfectly 1-2 APA Style errors More than three style errors
Discussion Outstanding (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1)
(90% and Above) (80-89%) (Below 80%)
Evaluation An overview of the significant findings of the study is clearly presented which include an examination of findings that fail to support the research question/hypothesis. A discussion of the generalizability of the results is included. An overview of the significant findings of the study is adequately presented which include an examination of findings that fail to support the research question/hypothesis.An adequate discussion of the generalizability of the results is included. An overview of the significant findings of the study is not presented. A discussion of the generalizability of the results is missing.
Exploratory Findings Student carefully reviews exploratory findings separate from confirmatory findings and carefully discussing limitations of findings Student notes exploratory findings and does not confuse with confirmatory results Student either confuses exploratory findings with confirmatory findings or does not mention exploratory findings.
Comparison with Literature A careful consideration of the findings of the study in comparison to the work of others is presented. Consideration of the findings of the study in comparison to the work of others is adequately presented. Consideration of the findings of the study in comparison to the work of others is not presented.
Limitations Limitations of the study that may affect the validity or the generalizability of the results are clearly discussed. Limitations of the study that may affect the validity or the generalizability of the results are adequately discussed. Limitations of the study that may affect the validity or the generalizability of the results are not included.
Future Research A discussion that includes appropriate and comprehensive recommendations for further research is provided. A discussion that includes appropriaterecommendations for further research is provided. A discussion that includes recommendations for further research is not provided.
Cultural Considerations Student thoughtfully considered the role of culture with respect to the population under study as well as the current historical context in which the study was completed Student considered culture in understanding the results and implciations of the study Student did mention or consider larger contextual factors
APA Style Follows APA Style (7th) perfectly 1-2 APA Style errors More than three style errors
Additional Material Outstanding (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1)
(90% and Above) (80-89%) (Below 80%)
References References are complete and presented using APA 7 formatting guidelines. References are presented using APA 7 formatting guidelines. References are incomplete and are not presented using APA 7 formatting guidelines.
Appendices Appendices and supplemental materials are provided and labeled appropriately. Appendices and supplemental materials are provided and labeled. Appendices and supplemental materials are not provided.
OSF Project Page OSF materials (e.g., code, data) are provided, are clear, and do an exceptioanl job of showcasing student work. OSF materials are adequately provided (minimum code) The student’s OSF repository was inadequately complete
Overall Writing The writing style reflects continuity in the presentation of ideas, smoothness of expression, an interesting tone, economy of expression, as well as precision and clarity. The writing style is adequately effective in communicating ideas, has a consistent tone and is understandable. The writing style is difficult to follow, lacks clarity and does not flow smoothly.