1.4 Research Project Option

Research Project + Comprehensive Exam

Students can complete their own independent research project, identical to the thesis, but without the coursework (PSYC 565 or PSYC 566) and obligation to follow the requirements in this manual. There are two scenarios where a student might choose to take the comprehensive exam and work on a research project :

  1. A student can decide, from the beginning of the program, that they want to avoid the pressure and extra work of the thesis requirements but use the program to work on a research project at their own pace and with faculty support. They could take PSYC 565 in the Fall of their second year to support their research project but will not take PSYC 566 during the Spring Semester of their 2nd year. In this case, PSYC 565 will act as their elective.

  2. Students might attempt the thesis but, for a variety of reasons, fall behind and not be able to complete all the necessary requirements of the thesis in order to graduate. If this occurs, then the student can always move to the comprehensive exam (in order to graduate) while continuing to work on their thesis as an independent research project (for no credit).

In both of these scenarios, students are required to take the comprehensive exam and pay the comprehensive exam fee in order to graduate.