4.7 Introduction (APA style)

Understanding the Problem

The development of the literature review begins during the Fall Semester of the first year during PSYC 564 Advanced Research Methods. The literature review will become the “introduction” section of the final thesis paper. The literature review demonstrates the student’s mastery of the literature surrounding the problem to be addressed by the thesis. Initial drafts, such as that from PSYC 564, are 10-12 pages in length.

The development of the literature review is, however, ongoing throughout the two-years of the program until the final draft is submitted on May 1st of the second year. The typical length of a completed introduction section is maximum 10 pages long although exceptions can be made to go over the maximum.

In terms of content, students are encouraged to consider multiple perspectives in their work and also to integrate their thoughts related to culture and diversity regarding the topic area. The idea here is that a good understanding of a problem area involves a thorough understanding of the context. Context includes a consideration of the place, time, and people under study as well as the same characteristics of those who are doing the investigating.


  1. PSYC 564 Literature Review (December 15th of First Year)
  2. Summer Revision of Literature Review (May 15th of First Year)
  3. PSYC 565 First Draft of Proposal (December 15th of Second Year)
  4. PSYC 566 Final Draft to Committee and Program Director (May 1st)